Tuesday 30 January 2018

And it goes on - Do it as you Go

Pudding is busy writing her book. She has gone to the library for this so her family doesn't notice what she is doing... and because I don't have money for a computer...
Isn't it weird how she holds her arms behind her back? what is she up to...

It is the twins Birthday! Yay! Congratulations you two freshly aged teens. I set Eevis genetic base fitness to high with nraas master controller when she was a kid and this is what they grew up into.

It is so funny to me that they chose to get the same new hair!

...and I didn't know Puddings nose could grow any worse...

I allowed their parents to get another baby now that the twins grew up  to teens

It was a wish their father had for a long time again so... here you go... it's not that we have any money worries or something... oh wait...

As fun as the shared hairstyle was,
I restyled them to fit their personalities better

Please tell me what you think about their new looks ^-^

(you can do so down in the comments and you don't need an account for it)
Pudding got some make-up to highlight her eyes and lead the focus away from her nose (...as much as it is possible)

She was uninteresting to me at first but now I kinda like her.
Having to live with this family and looking like that... she didn't have it easy in life yet she seems like a kind person to me.
Puddings full traits btw: genius, neat, green thumb, easy to impress
I didn't know she was a genius and I'm not sure if she gained that trait by ageing or if she gained green thumb... I didn't have to choose hers

Eevi on the other hand has: star qualities, genius, artistic, charismatic
I chose charismatic for her since I believe she usually stands in the center of conversation though star qualities kinda implies as much already... and since when is she a F***ing genius too?! Idk but seems like we've got very smart kids.

Speaking of kids Adria is officially pregnant again even though she can barely stand her other toddler.

Next Event: Invite some neighbors over and kill them
... I'm not even surprised anymore... I swear these are the Events I rolled, I didn't fudge any outcomes  for better story or anything... my Sims just like to kill people... oh well

This is our first new victim.

Aaaand shes dead

(couldn't get a better picture :/ )

...Or not?!

 Guess we just Killed Kenny. I always have to think about Southpark when an unlucky Sim can't die because of his unluckyness... I wonder if that was the inspiration behind this trait...

Adria is not really happy about this.
Neither is the Policewoman who suddenly appeared.
I think it is part of the Dexter mod for the Police to arrive and arrest you if you openly kill... but then they just were stuck in place for a while and I had to reset them.
New day new Victims. Now I invited a whole household to me and they were the only ones stupid enough to come.
Now let's try again. This time whith an old fashioned sword.
Fair enough, he died.

But then my Sims were stuck again and the grave dissapeared into nothingness.
I uninstalled the dexter mod.

I got some urns from the graveyard. Lets just pretend we killed them ok?

Oooh and the New Baby is here <3
She is the first one to inherit her mothers unhealthy complexion.
I Had no influence over her Traits so she is a Neurotic, Couchpotato. Great.
Her rolls were 
-Ugliest clothing you can find
-Pink eyes
-Name her Lara Croft

So welcome to the family Lara Croft. How fitting for you to arrive after we raided the thomb...
Ugly clothing.. thats gonna be hard. I firmly believe that any piece of clothing can look decent if you color it right and get the right accesoires and hair to complement it.
It will be not easy to find something that I deem a lost cause. I'll probably just mix pieces together that shall not be mixed and color them ridicoulously.

Oh, look. Our first Ghost ahunting the twins.

I really should credit all the amazing crators for their custom content that I use... problem is: I'm not sure what was from whom :(
I have too much from too many sources. I can tell you Eevis hair is from Lemonkixxs as were the twins childhood hair.
I have a lot from Anubis under the sun. Some hairs from Beaverhausen.
But I sadly can't credit all of the amazing creators >_< I'm sorry.
Nothing is from me if that helps...

Anyway. Bye~

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